best shop for certified gemstones in Kolkata
Date : 06/12/2024

Most of us consider gemstones as a go-to remedy from an astrological perspective. Whether we visit an astrologer or not, with the help of social media platforms, different astrological podcasts, and blogs a few of us get to know which gemstone is given for which planets. Right? When it is the planet Saturn, we know we are required to wear the Blue Sapphire. But, Blue Sapphire is costlier and not everyone can afford it. Hence, we will share a few alternatives or substitutes for Blue Sapphire in this blog post. You can easily purchase them from the best shop for certified gemstones in Kolkata, Nabgraha Gems. 

So, let us not waste time, but know the names of substitute gemstones of the Blue Sapphire.


Substitutes/Alternatives of Blue Sapphire

1) Amethyst: The popular purple gemstone widely accepted as the substitute for Blue Sapphire. It is also known as the Gemstone of Sobriety. The gemstone is prescribed to reduce stress and anxiety. It also helps in the relief of insomnia and provides mental stability. It is also worn to achieve spiritual awareness and to enhance the intuitive power. 

2) Blue Topaz: This sky blue gemstone is a recognized substitute for Blue Sapphire. It looks stunning and is also affordable. The gemstone is suggested for its soothing energy and to reduce stress and anxiety. This gemstone also increases the communicational ability with better self-expression. For natives who experience problems in articulating thoughts and ideas, this gemstone does wonders for them. 

3) Lapis Lazuli: It is a wonderful gemstone to bring Saturn to improve married life or any partnership. This a deep blue colored gemstone with golden flecks. It is a great substitute for the blue sapphire. The gemstone is also known as the Gemstone of Wisdom. Natives struggling hard to hone their intellect and stimulate minds can certainly consider wearing this gemstone. The gem is excellent for improving concentration and focus. So, students who are born with afflicted Saturn can wear this gemstone.  

4) Turquoise: If you cannot afford blue sapphire due to its higher cost, you can certainly consider wearing a Turquoise to improve your Saturn. The gemstone helps reduce negativity and brings fortune. Also, the gemstone promotes mental peace, and a sense of calmness, and reduces nervousness. People who travel frequently are suggested to wear Turquoise as it protects travelers from accidents and promotes a safe journey. 

5) Aquamarine: This gemstone is considered the gemstone of courage. It is also a highly used substitute for the blue sapphire. It helps improve mental clarity, sharpness, and agility. The gemstone also increases communication skills and helps overcome fear and phobias. People who suffer from health issues including throat or respiratory problems are suggested to wear Aquamarine. 

Besides the gemstones mentioned above, (6) Blue Tourmaline, (7) Tanzanite, (8) Lolite, (9) Kyanite, and (10) Blue Topaz are considered good substitutes for Blue Sapphire.



If you are considering buying a good quality and certified substitute gemstone for Blue Sapphire, visit Nabgraha Gems as soon as possible. This shop is highly acclaimed as the best shop for certified gemstones in Kolkata for quality gems and guarantees on every purchase. Whether you want to buy a Blue Sapphire or its substitute, you can consider Nabgraha Gems undoubtedly.

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