Date : 4/22/2024
According to Vedic Astrology, each Moon sign is governed by a planet, and the ruling planet of the zodiac sign controls the characteristics, emotions, and persona of the particular sign. Therefore, the placement of the sign lord in the horoscope carries different significance to the natives’ lives. Thus, we have created here a list of lucky gemstones based on your zodiac Moon sign and it will help you promote the qualities of your ruling planet and welcome prosperity and success in life. Just make sure to buy the best quality gemstone from the certified gemstone shop in Kolkata, and experience positive life changes.
List of Lucky Gemstones According to Moon Sign
Astrology helps us to shed light on valuable parts of our lives and guides us precisely so that we can make crucial decisions easily. Gemstone and Astrology go hand in hand. So, picking the right gemstone according to your Moon sign helps you harness the power of the planet that governs the sign where your Moon is placed. So, keep reading this blog to open up the door to prosperity and happiness by wearing the right gemstone at the right time.
Aries: This house is governed by the fiery Mars. Hence, if Aries is your Moon sign, go for great-quality red coral to enhance your leadership quality, courage, and both mental and physical strength.
Taurus: Venus is the lord of this house and Moon gets exalted here. So, consider wearing a Diamond to enhance your aura, and sweeten the relationships you share and care for.
Gemini: Mercury is the ruling planet of Gemini. Wear a superior-quality emerald on your little finger to promote the Mercurian quality within you including mental agility and good health.
Cancer: The Moon is the lord of Cancer. So, if you are a Cancer sign, try wearing good quality and genuine pearls. It will improve your mental health and bring emotional stability.
Leo: The sign of Leo is governed by the Sun. It is a fiery sign and known for royal qualities. You are advised to wear the finest quality Ruby, Madagascar, or Mozambique to improve the quality of your life.
Virgo: The sign of perfectionists. It is governed by Mercury. So, if Virgo is your Moon sign/rising sign, wear a premium quality Panna to bring life changes.
Libra: It is a Venus sign. So, if your Moon is there, you can consider wearing a Diamond or an Opal. You can certainly observe changes afterward.
Scorpio: Mars is the ruling planet of Scorpio. Moon debilitates in this sign. Hence, wearing Red or White Coral is necessary for the Scorpio natives.
Sagittarius: It is a Sign of Dharma and is governed by Jupiter. Consider wearing a high-quality and genuine Yellow Sapphire to boost your Jupiterian energy and empower the Moon.
Capricorn: Sign of Saturn. These natives are truly hardworking and mentally strong. Choose the best quality Blue Sapphire to shine brighter.
Aquarius: An inquisitive sign with an innovative mind. Wear Blue Sapphire to bring changes in life quickly.
Pisces: It's a Jupitarian sign and the Moon feels good here. You people can try wearing Yellow Sapphire to bring good luck and prosperity.
We have discussed the prime gemstones according to Moon signs. You can also go for semi-precious gemstones according to the Moon sign. Nabgraha Gems, the certified gemstone shop in kolkata is always here to cater to all your quality and classy gemstone needs at the best price in Kolkata. We are just a phone call away.